A Community of Hope and Courage

'worship' Tagged Posts

Worship Seminar

Hope Crossing is hosting one of the best worship seminar’s offered on Saturday, September 24, 2016. Tom Kraeuter, the teacher of the seminar, is a powerful communicator. You won’t want to miss it. You can register by calling the church office or online at WorshipSeminar.com. Our first purpose as a church is to help people connect with God. Worship is the key element to…

Say “I Will” to Corporate Worship

Why do you come to worship? For far too many, it is about what is received instead of what is given. That’s backwards. Worship is an opportunity to give to God the praise and thanks he is due for all that he has given to us. To help us focus on God rather than ourselves, Thom Rainer, in his book I Will,…
