Hope Crossing’s annual business meeting will be held Sunday, October 27 at approximately 1:00 PM.
There will be a pot-luck lunch following worship that day. Please bring food to share. The meeting will begin when lunch is concluded.
The Meeting Agenda
- Prayer
- Determine quorum
- Review of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Reports of officers and committees
- Pastor’s Report
- Board of Trustees
- Audio and Lighting Technologies
- Sunday School
- Music Ministry
- Missions Team
- Senior Adult Ministry
- Children’s Ministry
- Other
- Treasurer’s Report
- Unfinished Business
- Elections (no elections are necessary this year)
- Original resolutions and new business
- Approval of Proposed Budget
- Approval of Proposed Bylaw Change
- Benediction and adjournment
Proposed Bylaw Changes
Article 4,Section 5
The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, subject to ratification by the church, for the term of four (4) years. He/she will be a member of the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer will have the same term limit of terms as other members of the Board of Trustees.
The Treasurer of the Corporation shall receive and deposit the funds of the Corporation in a bank approved by the Board of Trustees. The bank account(s) of the church shall be in the name of the Corporation. He/she shall be authorized to give receipts for all monies received by the church. He/she shall cause all vouchers and orders paid to be filed and properly preserved as a part of the records of the Corporation.He/she shall make quarterly reports to the Board of Trustees and a report to the Corporation at its annual business meeting. The books shall be subject to inspection by the Board of Trustees and may be subject to a yearly audit.
Proposed Change
The treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, subject to ratification by the church, for the term of four (4) years. He/she may serve an unlimited number of terms. The treasurer is not a member of the Board of Trustees, though he/she is accountable to them.
(Balance of Section 5 remains thesame.)
Article 5,A, Section 1
The Board of Trustees shall be composed of five (5) voting members, including the pastor and the Treasurer.The Treasurer will be ratified by the corporation. Other Trustees shall be elected by the Corporation at its annual business meeting. All trustees other than the pastor will serve a term of four (4) years, with staggered terms of office. After a lapse of one (1) year, one who has previously served as a Trustee may be reelected to membership on this Board. Nominees for the Board of Trustees must have fulfilled the requirements of a voting member as defined in Article III, Section 2 for at least one (1) year. Only one (1) member of any household may be on the Board at the same time.
Proposed Change
The Board of Trustees shall be composed of four (4) voting members and the pastor. Trustees other than the pastor shall be elected by the Corporation at its annual business meeting for a term of four (4) years, with staggered terms of office. After a lapse of one(1) year, one who has previously served as a trustee may be reelected to membership on this Board. Nominees for the Board of Trustees must have fulfilled the requirements of a voting member as defined in Article III,Section 2 for at least one (1) year. Only one (1) member of any household maybe on the Board of Trustees at the same time.
If approved, these changes will be effective January 1, 2021.