Hope Crossing is hosting one of the best worship seminar’s offered on Saturday, September 24, 2016. Tom Kraeuter, the teacher of the seminar, is a powerful communicator. You won’t want to miss it. You can register by calling the church office or online at WorshipSeminar.com.
Our first purpose as a church is to help people connect with God. Worship is the key element to do that. Today it seems that the focus of worship attenders can often be described as WIIFM – What’s In It For Me. We miss the point when we approach worship with the hidden thought that we want to be entertained. We want the worship leaders or the pastor or God Himself to do something to us.
Rather, we need to remember that we worship to give God praise and thanks. Our focus is on Him. It is then that we will enter His presence and experience the beauty of his grace.
We want our church to really worship. Tom’s teaching at the seminar will help us with that. I hope you will come.
Until then, you can use this prayer guide to help you get ready to worship. (I do not remember the source. I will gladly credit the writer if someone knows who wrote this.)
Driving to church…
- Pray for His arrival.
- Implore the Lord to protect all who are coming to the service (Ps. 91).
- Trust God to draw the unchurched to worship.
Seeing the sign…
- Pray for it to attract those who need to be there (Jn. 6:44).
- Request the Holy Spirit to perform signs and wonders as you praise (Mk. 16:17).
Parking the car…
- Petition Him for corporate placement in His will (Rom. 12:1-2).
- Ask the Spirit to put a hunger for God in the heart of each person as they arrive (Matt. 5:6).
Standing at the front door…
- Expect an open door for Jesus’ presence and for those who are hurting or have been rejected (Rev. 3:8).
- Bless the Lord for angels to protect each entrance (Ps. 91:11).
Bowing in the foyer…
- Anticipate that mercy and grace will meet all persons (Ps. 51:1).
- Welcome the Holy Spirit to fill each worshipper (Acts 2).
Laying hands on each seat…
- Invite the Lord, in Jesus’ name, to meet felt needs (Acts 3).
- Intercede for particular families to hear a specific word of hope, comfort, etc.
Kneeling at the altar…
- Picture many coming to repentance and to a new life in Christ (Acts 2:37).
- Listen for ways to pray for special things such as communion, baptisms, etc.
Pausing in the pulpit…
- Beseech the Lord to bless the pastor to preach with boldness and compassion (Acts 4:31).
- Earnestly pray thatJesus be seen (Jn. 12:21).
Looking at the altar table…
- Thank God for all His provisions and bless Him for an abundant offering today (Phil. 4:19).
- Trust Him for all His gifts to be manifested (I Pet. 4:10).
Sitting in the choir loft…
- Lift up the choir and musicians to lead in exalted worship (Ps. 34:1).
Walking down the aisle…
- Entreat the Lord to challenge the congregation to go forth to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19).
- Claim laborers for the harvest (Matt. 9:38).