A Community of Hope and Courage
Thank You for Serving at Hope Crossing

Thank You for Serving

Thank you for serving at Hope Crossing. It takes a lot of people to do the work of a church. We are thankful for all who lead our ministries. Every person using their gifts to present the Gospel of Jesus in the way they are uniquely qualified make for a spectacular ministry.

Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”

The Apostle Peter instructs us “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)

Recently we recognized everyone who serves in some way or another at Hope Crossing. It’s a lot of people for a small church. Look at this list!

Security – Jerry Lochridge

Operation Christmas Child – Jeff and Denice Vitale

Secretary – Judy Levell

Lobby and Sanctuary Décor – Gretel Reker, Linda Webb

Facility – Harold Kilp, Ralph Kilp, Craig Mueller

Custodian – Tammy Lochridge

Gardening – Sandy Olszewski, Trudy Kilp, Ralph Kilp, Erika Kilp, Harold Kilp

Fish Fry – Bob Barnes

Tech – Andrew Schaefer, Casey Lochridge, Amber Lochridge, Chris Mueller, Craig Mueller, Tim Schaefer

Sunday School – Agnes Siegle, Harold Kilp, Helmut Holz, Craig Mueller, Tim and Karen Schaefer

Transportation – Rolf Siegle, Martin and Maria Schuster

Senior Breakfast – Harold and Erika Kilp

Greeters – Don and Judy Levell, Jeanne Greer

Head Usher – Tim Schaefer

Worship Team and Choir – Harold Kilp, Erika Kilp, Don Levell, Judy Levell, Ralph Kilp, Angie Kilp, Trudy Kilp, Sandy Olszewski, Ken Hill, Pam Hill, Tammy Lochridge, Craig Mueller, Chris Mueller, Helmut Holz, Karen Schaefer

Children’s Church – Harold Kilp, Craig Mueller, Tammy Lochridge, Victoria Holifield, Linda Greer, Linda Webb, Agnes Siegle, Denice Vitale, Elizabeth Weatherdon, Erika Kilp, Judy Levell

Refreshments – Patrick Soulierre, Craig Mueller, Tim Schaefer, Karen Schaefer, Chris Mueller, Andrew Schaefer

Wednesday Refreshments – Martin and Maria Schuster

We are so blessed to have such a faithful group of servants. Thank you to each one and God Bless you.

What are you doing for others?
